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Book Club, the beginning

Updated: Nov 10, 2018

27/10/2018 9:23am - Budapest

I wake up with the book club idea on top of my head. I send a message to Tobi "men I'm going to ask on Instagram, let's see how people react".

The book club idea on Instagram poll.
The book club idea on Instagram poll.

There you have it, book club on Productive Talk is officially under development. An idea that I had on the past weeks, a solution to remedy my lack of reading habit. I already have the title of the first book for a gold start. We will learn how to make friends and influence people.

If everything goes as expected Productive Talk will be a personal project where I will share my Productivity thoughts in an informal but data-driven way. Data transparency is the cherry on the pie here. You can expect many "meta-discussions" regarding how the data magic actually happens. Productive Talk will also be a place for personal experiments for new technologies. I will document and share successful implementation, and of course the frustrated ones. There will be a newsletter and we will sponsor the best jokes you guys send me, I like good laughs, who doesn't?

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