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Just showing up

Updated: Nov 13, 2018

For a long time, I wanted to balance my reading and my writing rhythm. Today I’ll give a step into this. For making this natural I’ll not use SEO nor a bigger planning. I’ll just write as the thoughts appear to come to mind.

Sometimes we have these strong beliefs that come with us since childhood. For me, one of those was that I had to do everything in a perfect way. I could not see how one thing could have been done in a not perfect way. Until I realized there are not perfect things. I was waiting for the perfect piece of content and did not know I had to start with the first word.

"80 percent of success is just showing up" —Woody Allen

Sitting on my room writing these words is ‘showing up’ for me. What is it for you? Gym? New job? Diet? A personal project?

The more words my fingers make appear on screen, the easier they come.

As human beings, we do not like the idea of being ridiculed for something we did, so we start planning those brilliant and bulletproof ideas that melt in real world. We need to overcome the thought that critics are the worst that people can do for us. We can change the way we see things to use these critics as inputs into a system which the output is a better version of you or your work.

I wish I could remember which I saw this phrase to quote it correctly, but it was like this: “I have started winning back in the day I have lost and didn’t blame anyone for it”. It opened my eyes for somethings I couldn’t see. Every time we lose or fail we try to blame someone for it. The referee, the professor, the coworker, the boss, the parents, our significant other. They are guilty for our sadness.

I’ll present you a powerful idea. Sartre stated at Exit that “Man is nothing else but that which he makes of himself. […] Thus, the first effect of existentialism is that it puts every man in possession of himself as he is, and places the entire responsibility for his existence squarely upon his own shoulders”.

Of course, one can point that sometimes the circumstances have more power than you in that determined situation. I’ll not state a point against this. But, given all the circumstances, what can you do to become a better version of you? The real power relies here.

I can say I am a better Tobias now that I spent these moments looking to the screen and trying to translate thoughts and sensations into words. If I keep showing up, maybe these words are not empty and have some value.

So, if you have any doubts or just want to talk, leave a comment and I’ll try to answer asap. If you want to receive more texts like this, signup for our newsletter.

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