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The first follower

I really would like to thank our first followers.

This blog started with me and John wanting to keep a log of our thoughts. It feels amazing to receive feedback and get to know people like what we write.

I'd like to share this video with you. It has just three minutes and contain a powerful lesson.

I found out a powerful idea with a very inspiring professor. On his book "7000 thousand days of leadership", Herbert Viana states:

"Be wherever you are, inspire the person by your side, go beyond technique and method, find out why you are there. Perceiving value and purpose on this, feel joy and spread to the others. You are going beyond work, and success will be just a matter of time".

Once a manager told me "You are never going to be a manager!". This phrase kept me thinking about several months. That was a turning point in my life. Although his results were good I've never felt inspired by him. I've never actually wanted to be like him. For many years I've wanted to be a professor. It seemed to me the only way I could feel the joy of teaching. Then I realized I didn't have to be a professor to feel this joy. With each person I knew, at each talk, I figured it out I could learn and teach a bit.

The video has showed me something that was not explicit for me. Leadership is over-glorified. We tend to give all the credit for the people who lead and tend to forget about the ones who follow. We could not work as society if everyone was a leader. It would be a mess.

Find things and people who inspire you. Try to act in a way that inspires people. I bet you'll become a better version of yourself and get a better ambient. Let's create this movement together.

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