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There is always SOMETHING out there

Two weeks, two books. I finally managed to get my reading routine back, and for me, this is what matters the most. Not quantity of pages, but the habit. How? This discussion goes on a different post, I assumed my introvert ways of having fun, again, different discussion for another time.

I wanted to share the fact that I've seen myself in the past making fun of dad, "You only read 'self-help' books, it makes no sense, more from the same!". Well, well, that's the 2.4 version of me on the very same situation. Anyways.

The Zurich Axioms and Who Moved My Cheese, the important overlapping concept, in my point of view:

There is always {{ SOMETHING }} out there, whether you recognize it at the time, or not. And that you are awarded with it when you go past your fear and enjoy the ADVENTURE. Fill the {{ }} variable with what you pursue.

I knew it, really, stop and think about it, it is always about the adventure. I'm living mine, go live yours.


I was listening to this while writing, you might like it :)

If you read this on November/2018 thank you, you're awesome.

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